Funeral Call Answering Service

Our Funeral Call Answering Service
Will Ensure Your Funeral Home Is Always
There For Families When They Need You The Most.

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Please continue reading this article if you would like to find out how our funeral call answering service will help your funeral home provide a better service to the families that you deal with, make your processes way more efficient, and allow you to grow your client base.

The Virtual Call Centre Network’s Funeral Call Answering Service provides funeral directors with the ability to ensure that when a family member makes that call, your funeral home is always there to answer while providing compassion, empathy, and support at one of the most stressful times in life.

The Virtual Call Centre Network provides funeral directors with a service that means your funeral home can be available to callers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In addition to providing round-the-clock support to you and your callers, there are many other ways in which an answering service provider can help streamline your service.

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What is a Funeral Home Answering Service?

An answering service for funeral directors is a team of virtual receptionists that will act as the first point of contact and as representative when a family first makes contact with your funeral home.

The Virtual Call Centre Network provides a live answering service that can handle the calls for you allowing you to have more time to deal with other funeral arrangements, including the logistical details of the funeral, from the obituary to pallbearers.

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How Does A Funeral Answering Service Help Your Business?

More reasons why you should consider funeral home answering services;

Compassionate Support

Our mortuary answering services can provide support and compassion to your customers. All agents are trained in listening and providing a kind word. This makes your clients feel heard and like the most important person at that moment.

First call dispatch

A funeral home is usually the first point of contact after a death. Our live answering service will quickly pick up this call and attend to your customers. We will also record all the necessary information and dispatch messages to the most appropriate member of your team.

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24/7 Service

Mourning families do not have a 9-5 schedule. They can call at any time of the day and need an immediate response. With a 24/7 service, a funeral home answering service is always available to pick up calls with an empathetic response.

Prompt Answering

We understand that when somone is grieving they should not have to make calls to multiple funeral homes. A funeral home answering service ensures that this does not happen. The Virtual Call Centre Network pick up all calls promptly and offer compassionate service, ensuring that they communicate professionally.

Customized Service

When a grieving client calls your business, they don’t need to know that you are outsourcing your calls to a funeral home call center. At the Virtual Call Centre Network, we make it easy for your clients to talk to reach you but we also answer in the name of your business and follow your call flows and processes so it’s like having your own team of receptionists

Instant Message Delivery for Funeral Directors

Hospitals and nursing homes can send out death notifications at any time. A funeral home answering service ensures respectful coordination at all times and promptly dispatches the information to you. We can deliver these messages to you via your preferred method, be it direct calls, emails, or texts.

Save Time

As a funeral director, your duties are not limited to scheduling appointments and picking up calls. Funeral homes are responsible for care of the deceased, arranging of pallbearers and clergy, and conducting the funeral service. In the midst of this, it is possible to miss out on specific tasks and not be able to attend to more clients.

It is important to note that a funeral home answering service does not just pick up calls. They also schedule funeral consultations, visitations, logistics, and memorial services.

This saves you time and allows you to focus on other funeral home operations. The Virtual Call Centre Network helps both family members and funeral homes to ensure that processes are more efficient.

Access To Trained Staff

Our agents are trained and experienced in handling the types of phone calls your funeral home will be receiving and can also deal with scheduling appointments, and forwarding messages promptly to the funeral director on call.

The funeral home call center also shares essential details with your customers. These details may include memorial dates and times, care of the body, obituaries, and death certificate completion.

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Consistent Customer Service

At the Virtual Call Center, our skilled agents are trained for the bereavement industry. They understand how sensitive calls about funeral-related inquiries can be and are dedicated to offering compassion to your customers.

Regardless of the time of the phone calls, we ensure that your families will always speak to a real person and provide consistent customer service to any of the grieving families that reach out to you.

Call Screening

Our service allows you to screen calls and prioritize them to relieve the burden on you and your staff. We will also route calls and messages that need your urgent attention to you immediately.


Message Relay

Funeral answering services require smooth and efficient communication. Our agents will accurately take and relay messages that require your immediate attention, ensuring that no details are missed.

funeral home staff

Improved ROI

Investing in a mortuary answering service makes good financial sense. As our answering solutions provide 24 hour availability it means that when someone responds to a piece of marketing be it digital or physical our team is always there to capture that lead which in turn will mean better return on your marketing investment.

Service Integration

If you use business software to streamline your operations, our call center service will not only answer calls but will integrate perfectly seamlessley with other tools and systems you currently use such as CRM’s or account management software.


Highly trained virtual receptionists understand the delicate nature of the funeral industry. Your clients deserve security and confidentiality. Therefore, our call agents are respectful of your customers’ privacy and also keep all interactions secure.

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Why Should You Partner With The Virtual Call Center Funeral Home Answering Service?

Now that you know how a funeral home answering service can help your business, here are a few reasons why you should utilize our virtual receptionist services;

We are an Experienced Call Center

When hiring a funeral home answering service, their experience matters. An experienced virtual receptionist knows how to lend a listening ear and comfort grieving clients. They also know how to ask the right questions, schedule appointments, and pass the message across to you promptly.

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Personalized Service

Our call specialists have specialized training to work as an extension of your business and use a customized script. We also use a personalized greeting and relate to your customers just as you would. Depending on the information you provide we are also happy to answer questions that your callers may have. This way, your clients feel like they are talking directly to your funeral home.

No Fixed Contracts

As an industry leader The Virtual Call Centre Network we don’t believe in tying our clients in to long contracts, instead we believe in providing a service that ensures you want to stay with us as opposed to being obliged to do so.

No Extra Costs

When you partner with us, you only pay for the minutes our receptionists use on the phone with your clients. This is way cheaper than hiring an in-house receptionist plus as we are on hand 24/7 it means we will be here for your callers even when they call after hours.

Improved Professional Image

Funeral home answering services not only enhance your customer experience but can enhance your brand. With our exceptional service, your customers will have only the best things to say about you, which means that your business will stand out in the funeral home industry.

Improved Work-Life Balance

Working long hours in a funeral home can take a toll on your health. With time, this can reduce your and your staff’s efficiency. However, with our funeral answering service, you can outsource your call flows and low-level administrative tasks to free up time to rest, recharge and spend more time with your own loved ones and potentially save significant sums compared to the costs of hiring in house.

Funeral Call Answering Service

How Can You Partner with a Funeral Call Answering Service?

Partnering with a mortuary answering service is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is contact us and speak with a member of our team. This will help us understand your business and how you want us to handle your calls and forward messages to you. Not only does our service help funeral home staff by reducing workloads but we can also help guide callers through the initial stages of the service you provide.

reduced costs

Ready to Find Out How Our Funeral Home Answering Service Can Help Your Business?

We truly believe The Virtual Call Centre Network provides the best answering service. At The Virtual Call Centre Network, we have a team of skilled agents who handle calls in a professional manner. Our highly trained call specialists are skilled, empathetic, and understand the sensitive nature of the funeral industry. They also communicate effectively to make your clients feel like they are talking to your business directly.

How to Get Started

To get started, you can speak with one of our team members so we can establish how you want your calls to be answered.

Click the button below to schedule a call back from a member of our team.

“This article was written by Jillian Schwieterman, Client Outreach Specialist at The Virtual Call Centre Network.”