Answering Service for Physicians

We Provide Expert Call Answering Services For Physicians.

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In this article, you will find out how The Virtual Call Centre Network provides an answering service for physicians that will help your practice make significant time and financial savings whilst helping your practice to run more smoothly as well as allowing you to be able to handle more patients.

When people need to reach their their physician that call can come in at any time of the day or night. Calls can be in relation to emergencies, appointment scheduling at the doctor’s office, or just inquiries. Regardless of the reason for the call or the time the call comes in it is essential that someone is always available to answer. If you have a small team or practice this responsibility may be too much of a burden and it can be difficult to find reliable staff who can be available for taking calls after hours, on weekends, or on holidays. Regardless of whether you manage a small practice or a large hospital it is essential to utilise an answering service to ensure calls are never missed.

As the manager of any kind of medical practice you will probably find that medical answering services such as that provided by The Virtual Call Centre Network can take a huge burden off your shoulders. Having the ability to outsource low-level administrative tasks to a telephone answering service and having the confidence that we will handle your calls effectively can be a game changer.

Medical answering service

What is an Answering Service for Physicians?

An Answering service for medical and healthcare professionals is a service dedicated to picking up your calls and freeing up your time for other tasks. With our service, your phone calls are directed to a our specialist call center where we can answer the call, take down messages and schedule appointments and forward the message to the relavant member of your team.

Medical office

Benefits of Utilizing a Medical Answering Service.

Utilizing a medical answering service comes with several benefits, including the following:

Improved Patient Care

A physician answering service can help you improve patient care. Our service ensures all of your patient’s calls are responded to quickly and professionally. This way, your patients do not have to wait a long time to get answers to their questions or to schedule appointments.

Physicians answering service

Reduced Wait Times

If you rely on an in-house receptionist, they can only talk to one person at a time this may cause a backlog of calls on your line waiting to reach your practice and if they are forced to wait too long your receptionist can find that by the time the call is answered the caller can already by short of patience or in some cases even irate. 

The Virtual Call Centre Network can provide you with a service that allows multiple calls to be answered simultaneously by our live operaters, and when your team receives the message on email or sms your team can prioritise the most important calls and leave for later those that can wait. Therefore reducing call waiting times and allowing for effective prioritisation of calls.

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Increased Efficiency

Our call center live operators can schedule appointments, and direct any crucial and urgent medical call to you. This frees up your time and allows you to focus on other important tasks like attending to patients, prescribing medications, and referrals.

In addition, many answering services set up appointments and automated reminders to reduce no-shows.

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Improved Availability 

Being available for your clients increases satisfaction and builds trust. Your patients would be more likely to refer your business to other people and grow your revenue. 

A live answering service can increase your availability to your patients. We pick up all your calls, helping you move your business forward. Our virtual receptionists are always available for after-hours answering services.

Patient care

Increased Revenue

Increasing your client base can help you make more money as a physician. But you cannot do this if you don’t have enough time and other resources, to attend to them.

Hiring an answering service can reduce the amount of time patients have to wait for a response. This reduces churn and increases patient satisfaction. With increased satisfaction, your patients are more likely to refer your medical practice, which leads to an increase in revenue.

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Improved Communication 

An answering service improves communication between you, the office staff, and your patients. The agents pick up all calls in a timely manner and answer your patient’s questions professionally. Your patients can also follow up on necessary medications, treatments, and appointments.

Personalized Service

When calls are answered by our physicians’ answering service both stansard and urgent calls are answered in the name of your practice which gives the patient the feel and impression that they are speaking directly with your team.

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Save Money

The Service Provided by The Virtual Call Centre Network is HIPAA-compliant answering service and is extremely cost-effective. With our call center services, you only pay for the minutes that our call agents spend with your patients.

Emergency Dispatch

Answering services always have on-call providers for emergencies. They handle all calls promptly and accurately.

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Stop Callers Shopping

When potential patients are looking for a medical services provider it is usually because the have an immediate need or requirement. If you don’t have a team already in place that is capable of ensuring every call is answered this could mean missing out on opportunties to acquire new patients and this could ofcourse mean result in lost revenue.

Hiring an answering service can help retain your leads and prospective customers. Our call agents are empathetic, respectful but at the same time they understand the importance of securing and retaining business.

Improved Brand Image

Your brand image is especially important in the healthcare industry. If a customer calls medical offices repeatedly and can’t find anyone to attend to them, it shapes their perception of your practice. Your patients may think you don’t care if you don’t pick up their calls. The success of your medical office depends on your patient experience and perception.

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How Do Medical Answering Services Work for Physicians?

Our answering service for physicians involves having a team that is allocated to your practice and who will always be responsible for picking up calls when routed to them. To use this service, you will discuss with the team to help them understand your business and how you want them to handle your calls.

The next step is to contact your telephone service provider and activate call forwarding to the call center number that we provide you with. Our HIPAA-compliant service will then pick up your calls and take down messages. These messages are then passed to you through your preferred mode of communication, which could be a call, text message, or email.

It is important to note that the call center does not have to pick up all your calls. You can always request for certain calls to be transferred to you directly.

After hours Answering Services

What Features Do Automated Answering Services Offer Healthcare Providers?

An answering service for physicians has several features, including

Live Agents

Virtual answering services for physicians provide live agents that pick up your calls. These agents are highly trained, and they understand medical terminologies that help them deliver the best service to your callers. The professional agents are also empathetic, offering an authentic personal touch with every call.

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HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This act helps in protecting patient health information, providing data privacy, and protecting health insurance coverage.

Our call answering service is HIPAA-compliant. Hence, you can rest assured that your patients’ data is safe and secure with us. We use a secure messaging platform to encrypt text messages for storage.

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Service Integration

Our answering services for medical professionals offer service integration if your medical office uses a CRM. Integrating into your system helps the answering service to improve the quality of services. as new messages can be delivered directly into your CRM therefore maintaining the most efficiant work flows.

Accurate call routing

There may be occassions when if a call comes in, instead of us handling the call you might want a call routed or transferred to a member of your team and if this is the cast that’s fine we can take care if this for you. We can ensure that the right calls get routed to the right person at the right time.

Call Center Services

Custom Call Scripting

When setting up your service you can provide our call center with a custom call script. This means that the service is personalized to your medical center. So, when patients call, they feel they are speaking to your center directly.

After-hours Medical Answering Service

Health emergencies do not wait for business hours before happening. Your patient may need help any time of the day or night. Depending on the nature of your practice, your on-site team may be unable to pick up calls after hours, or you may have to hire extra staff. 

But with our after-hours answering service, your patient can get an adequate response and schedule an appointment with you.

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No Long Contracts

With the Virtual Call Centre Network your medical center will never be tied into a contract which means that if needed you can terminate our service at any time.

Appointment Reminders 

We understand how busy doctors’ offices can be, especially when attending to patients. Therefore, your call center agents schedule your appointments to ease your workload. Unfortunately, some patients do not show up for appointments, costing you your revenue. 

Thankfully, the Virtual Call Center can schedule appointments and notify patients of upcoming appointments to reduce losses accrued from missed appointments. 

Overflow Answering Service

It might be the case that you already have a team in place that is capable of managing your call volumes the majority of the time however there may be times when your center just needs a little extra help with higher call volumes at certain times. The Virtual Call Centre Network provides you with an espeacially flexible option allowing you to just utilise our service even if its just at certain times of day.

Answering Service for Physicians

Affordable Pricing

Hiring a call answering service does not have to burn a hole in your budget. With our affordable pricing, you only pay for the number of minutes our agents spend on the phone with your patients and we have plans to suit all budgets and call volumes.

Call Screening

Our agents can screen calls and effectively prioritize them. Any call that requires your urgent attention will be directed to you promptly. 

Find Out How Our Answering Service for Physicians Can Help Your Practice!

Hiring a virtual answering service for your medical offices or clinics can increase revenue, increase customer satisfaction and save your center money. It gives you back time to attend to your patients and other tasks to improve your business.

At the Virtual Call Centre Network, we have a team of specialist call agents who can handle your healthcare calls. Our HIPAA-compliant agents are also vast in medical industry terminologies and can professionally handle your patients’ questions while providing secure messaging.

You can get started by communicating with a member of our team and discussing how you want your phone calls to be answered.

Click the button below to contact us!

“This article was written by Jillian Schwieterman, Client Outreach Specialist at The Virtual Call Centre Network.”