24 Hour Answering Service

Looking for a 24 hour Answering Service?

We Provide After Hours Answering Services to Suit All Types of Businesses and Budgets.

Watch This Video to Find Out More.

Keep reading to find out more about the 24 hour answering service provided by The Virtual Call Centre Network can not only help to ensure that you are always there for your customers whilst at the same time helping you make huge savings and help you grow your customer base.

Answering your customers’ calls is essential to the success of your business. But picking up calls around the clock can take its toll on you and can significantly increase the costs if you are thinking of hiring extra in-house receptionists. However, you can take this burden off your shoulders by contacting The Virtual Call Centre Network to find out about our after-hours messaging service. This service consists of a team of trained receptionists who pick up your calls and ensure you don’t miss out on your prospective and current clients phone calls. Our team are available after business hours, on weekends, and even on holidays to keep your business thriving.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of our service and the features we offer.

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Benefits of an After-Hours Answering Service

The Virtual Call Center Network provides an, answering service with the following benefits for your business;

business personalized greeting

Availability Outside Regular business hours

Studies show that 27% of leads call outside of regular business hours, and only 20% of them are likely to leave a voicemail. Typically, customers hang up calls when they don’t get a response.

Utilizing an after-hours answering service ensures that your business is always available to pick up your customers’ calls. Our call center agents are available to pick up incoming calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year.

We make it so that regardless of the time of the day, your customers can always reach out to you.

incredibly affordable service

Improved Brand Perception 

When a customer calls a business, even after business hours, they expect an immediate response. But if you are unable to answer calls, they tend to form a negative opinion of your business espeacially if this happens on numerous occassions.

Conversely, picking up customer calls also improves your brand perception. It is best to be known as a responsive business to your customers. Fortunately our answering services ensure you don’t miss any important calls.

we can book your appointments

Pick Up Phone Calls And Capture Leads

Every business today aims to get more leads and convert them into paying customers. However, if these leads can’t reach you, there is a high likelihood of losing them, which has a negative impact on your advertising ROI.

With a team of after-hours call agents, you can ensure that you don’t lose any leads. The live receptionists can take down messages, schedule appointments, and answer questions your prospective customers may have.

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Improved Efficiency

Your in-house staff cannot handle the call volume from your clients. This can lead to missing calls and losing customers. However, with an after-hours receptionist always available, you don’t have to worry about that. Our agents are always professional and are highly trained in answering calls and appointment setting. They also ensure proper message delivery in a timely manner.

24 hour answering service

No Bots

Calling a business and listening to an automated voice may turn customers off from your business. With a dedicated team of receptionists, your clients can talk to a real person and feel as though they matter to your business. This also helps improve customer experience and makes them more likely to refer your business. 

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Enhanced Work-Life Balance

Having your in-house receptionist handle phone calls themselves can take a toll on their health, especially if they frequently answer calls outside of normal business hours. Fortunately, an after-hours call answering service can handle your workload and save you time to improve your work-life balance.

after hours call canswering

Cost Effectiveness – Save Money

Paying for an answering service is ALWAYS significantly cheaper than hiring in house, plus by utilising our answering service you don’t have to worry about staff sickness, vacations, training or any of the expenses that are normally associated with hiring a member of staff.

Another thing that makes our service more cost effective is that only pay for the number of minutes that our agents spend on the phone with your clients. 

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Personalized Service

Regardless of the type of service you offer, our team of virtual receptionists is versatile in the industry language and can converse with your clients based on that. For instance, if you offer massages and other wellness services, our team picks up your calls and answers based on a script customized to your business and industry ensuring great continuity of service. 

This means that your customers will feel as if they are dealing directly with your business and not a call center.

we also book appointments

Quality Customer Service

Our team understands that we are not only picking up calls from new clients. You may have existing clients who want to hire your service again. 

A virtual receptionist can recognize returning callers and provide a personalized experience for them. This experience can improve customer satisfaction, increasing their chances of patronizing you again and even referring you to other people.

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Work-Load Prioritization

Answering services can save you time and energy. This way, your in-house staff can focus on other important parts of your business. You can also use the time to improve your services and get more clients.

we'll book your appointments

Stop Shopping

If a client is in urgent need of your service and they can’t reach you, they will most likely seek out your competitor, and if your competitor gives them a great experience, your client may stick with them.

However, with an after-hours answering service, this doesn’t have to be. Your virtual receptionists can answer calls at any time and improve customer experience. This helps to retain your client and stop them from shopping around.

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Features of an After-Hours Answering Service

A telephone answering service offers unique features that can help make your business more efficient. These features include the following;

Your personalised greeting

Appointment Scheduling

Many times, your customers may not even need your service urgently. They might be calling to make inquiries or set up an appointment. 

Our after-hours answering service can set up appointments and help you manage your calendar. We also send out reminders to your clients to reduce no-shows and save you time.

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Message Taking

Our team of live answering agents not only answer phone calls and set appointments, but they also take down accurate messages from your inbound calls and pass them across to you. This way, you can stay updated on what your customers need and when they need it.

24 hours call answering

Call Forwarding

A live call agent can discuss with your potential clients after normal business hours, taking messages and forwarding them to the right person at the right time. This means that you don’t have to miss out on important calls.

book appointments

After Hours Answering Service

Our after-hours answering service is available around the clock to attend to your calls. We work beyond regular business hours to ensure you don’t have a string of missed calls or forget an appointment. Regardless of the time of the day, you can rest assured that your clients can call and set an appointment without seeking out your competitors. 

exceptional service

Industry-Specific Expertise

Our dedicated team has specialist knowledge about your industry. Therefore, when your customers call, they will speak to a live person who understands their requirements and gives them an informed answer.

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Flexible Contracts

Our after-hours answering service does not tie you in with long contracts. We offer a flexible service where you can cancel at any time without unnecessary paperwork or hidden fees if you decide the service isn’t right for you.

important call

Service Integration

If your business uses a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, we can integrate into it to help improve the quality of services we offer your customers.

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How to Work with a Phone Answering Service

We truly believe that The Virtual Call Centre Network offers the best call-answering service that will strive to understand the unique challenges of your business and help you navigate them. This service should be efficient, professional, and customizable. 

You can work with the Virtual Call Centre by discussing your business, customers, and daily operations with us. We will then create call flows and systems that will enhance your customer experience. 

The next step is to contact your service provider and have them forward your calls to us. Our live receptionists will pick up these calls and engage with your customers. They will also take down messages and schedule appointments. You can always stay up to date with our interactions via text message, emails, web chats, or calls.

In addition, if there are cases where you want the phone calls transferred to you directly, our receptionists can do that.

24 Hour Answering Service

What Businesses Can Benefit from an After-Hours Answering Service?

Whether you have a small business or a large one, an after-hours answering service can come in handy. As long as your business deals with urgent telephone calls from your customers, a live answering service can help you.

Also, if your business has potential customers in different time zones or people who may patronize your service after business hours, an answering service might be of help. 

Some businesses that can benefit from an after-hours answering service include;

  • Hair salons

  • Spas

  • Medical offices

  • Law firms

  • Massage therapists

  • Real estate professionals

  • Insurance agencies

  • Hiring and staffing firms

  • IT and technical support companies

  • Plumbing services

inbound calls

Let’s Help You Set Up Your 24-Hour Answering Service 

We’d love to hear from you.

Now that you know the benefits of setting up an after-hours answering service and the features they offer your business, the next steps should be easy.

The Virtual Call Centre Network is a team of highly trained call-answering agents who is on hand day or night answer your urgent calls.

You can get started by speaking with our staff members and discussing how you would like your calls to be answered. 

Click this button to reach out!

“This article was written by Jillian Schwieterman, Client Outreach Specialist at The Virtual Call Centre Network.”